Hi, my name is Corey Autobee.
I am a software developer.

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About me

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I am a results-oriented, data focused team player. I approach solving problems with comprehensive Full Stack knowledge and a diverse history of work experience. I value simplicity, the big picture, and humility.

With how fast the software engineering industry moves, I look at every day as a new opportunity to grow and to be challenged. I strive to write code that is test driven, easily readable, and scalable.

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Selected Projects

Face Detecting Robot

Fully responsive web application built with a React front end and a Node + PostgreSQL backend. Lets users identify faces in submitted photos, featuring a machine learning Clarifai API, an AWS Lambda ranking system, sign in/sign out functionality, and editable profile. Other builds include variants with Docker and Redis functionality.

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Company Bot Directory

Fully responsive web application built with React + Redux. Quickly searches and sorts through contacts utilizing a dynamic Robohash API. Built with CircleCi testing and Prettier integration.

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Novel Wireless Phone Shopping Cart

Fully functional and responsive React + Redux shopping cart. Dynamically adds and subtracts cart items for checkout in an online retail experience.

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